Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I found this awesome site a couple days ago! As many times as I have googled and looked stuff up about CF I don't know how I've missed it all this time! It is really great to talk to other parents and people with CF! I'm really enjoying reading all the posts and making friends with the CF community there. I feel like I finally found people who know how I feel and understand.

Also my husband went to a garage sale this past weekend that was actually to benefit cystic fibrosis! The lady having the sale was selling belongings from her very close friend who had passed away from cystic fibrosis. My husband shared our story with her and he was brought to tears when she shared hers. He brought home a vibrating recliner that belonged to the ladies sweet friend. It really is a small world and my heart goes out to this man's family. I hope he's breathing easy....God bless his family and friends.

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