I didn't get much sleep last night. Kaleb just doesn't sleep very well while he's on Cipro. Side effects are nightmares and insomnia...He was restless and just seemed like he couldn't get comfy all night.
I sat in my chair staring at the huge area on our counter designated for all of Kaleb's medicine and felt sick to my stomach. Pretty crazy...
I chased Kaleb around with a syringe full of Zantac and finally got him to take it. I went back in the kitchen to get his Enzymes ready and I just lost it. I think it was the lack of sleep that let the emotions get to me. I cried my eyes out and I was mad....How does Kaleb deal with this everyday, if I'm exhausted he has to be totally worn out...I was mad my son had to take all this medicine and dedicate so much of his world to treatments. I was mad at CF...I was tired...I wanted to not have to stick another syringe full of some horrible medicine in his mouth ever again.
I looked up to see Kaleb standing on the couch, huge smile on his face. He blew me a kiss and start dancing to the music that was on the cartoon he was watching. I smiled....if he's gonna smile then I am.
I don't know how he does it, he's my hero.
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