This is a current picture of Kaleb :D
Amazing to look at him now and compare it to pictures of him at birth! He looks like a totally different baby!
He is doing so great at the moment! He's gaining weight and eating up a storm! His CF care team are so impressed and happy with how he is doing. He takes his enzymes mixed in apple sauce before every bottle or baby food he eats. The enzymes help him to be able to digest his food. He also has liquid vitamins his nutritionist gave him, who is awesome and part of his care team. The vitamins are essential to give him enough of the vitamins he doesn't absorb properly on his own. The vitamins are mixed with salt and rice cereal into his formula. The salt i'm sure your wondering about is also to give him what he needs to make up for all the salt he sweats out. Kiss a cfer and see how salty they taste. He takes zantac for acid reflux two times a day. He has a bottle every four hours and he eats baby food in between his bottle feedings. He lovessss sweet potatoes and will eat anything mixed with them lol He also loves any fruit but really really hates peas!! At the moment he has a bacteria in his lungs (Pseudomonas) that his CF doc found by the throat swab he has Kaleb do every appointment. So, we are currently doing a round of "tobi", his breathing treatment, two times a day. He will be on this as well as liquid antibiotics for 28 days and then another throat swab will be done to see if he is rid of it. We also do what I call "patting" ,(Airway Clearance Technique), two times a day, once in the morning and once at night after his breathing treatments. I call it patting because what you do is pat him with a cupped hand on each side of his upper back and his chest to vibrate his lungs. Vibrating the lungs makes them "sluff off" the dead cells, since he can't do this on his own, and hopefully helps to rid the bacteria.
Sometimes things are pretty hectic. Last week we had a doctors appointment or home health visit every day except saturday and sunday lol It can be crazy but I will do anything to make sure he is getting everything he needs and the best care he can have.
Phew! I think thats it lol All of that has pretty much become normal around here and just a part of life. His CF care team is awesome and I think they are detrimental to how well he is doing. I hope he keeps continuing to thrive!
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