Kaleb in Lafayette ICU 5 days old
Our whole world changed when I found out I was pregnant with our sweet boy! Kaleb was born September 24th 2008 by an emergency c-section.
We went in for a regular appointment and I had not been feeling right the day before. I told the doctor I had been hurting and that I wasn't feeling the baby move near as much as I usually do. She decided she needed to check me and found I was dilated to a two. They sent me straight over to Labor & Delivery to put me on an IV drip and told me I would probably stay over night. They told me hopefully the drip they were putting me on would stop me from going further into labor. They didn't seem worried so I remained calm and told my husband he should go and get something to eat. It was an afternoon appointment and we were planning to eat after we left the doctors office so we were starving! While he was gone they did an ultra sound just to check on the baby. I started panicking when the nurse doing it said she would be right back and came back with another nurse. I just kept asking if everything was okay....They kept assuring me it was fine and that they were just going to have the nurse practitioner look. The next thing I know the doctor and nurse practitioner came in to give me the news.
His little tummy was literally blowing up like a balloon inside of me. That is why I had been hurting and why he was ready to come out! He had a perforated intestine and was just filling himself up with fluids. They told me to prepare myself that I would be having this baby now by an emergency c-section. I was freaking out and called my husband on the phone to let him know. He made it back to me as they were rolling me into the operating room. I was scared to death, shaking all over and I just wanted to burst into tears.
Our sweet boy made it to us but was on a ventilator and numerous other machines. He was rushed to bigger hospital in Lake Charles where they did surgery to release the fluid. The surgeon there took one look, release the fluid and sewed him up. He pretty much didn't know what to do, he said Kaleb's intestines were all matted together. They got Kaleb stable and kept him there over night in ICU. The next day they sent him to another hospital in Lafayette where Dr. Falterman, an amazing surgeon took on Kaleb.
Of course I was still in Sulphur, they told me the quicker I got up and walked the sooner they would let me go. So, I was up that morning first thing to shower and I walked the halls. They let me go the next night....the two hour ride to Lafayette was very painful for me and all I wanted was to see Kaleb. I had only seen him once right after I woke up from surgery. They had him in an incubator and they rolled him in for me to see. I was so droggy I barely remember it so I was ready to see him.
I will never forget when I saw him. He was hooked up to so many machines and he was so small. He was so vulnerable and it absolutely tore my heart up to see him like he was. I remember I kissed his foot because it was the only part of him I could reach that didn't have a needle stuck in it or something wrapped around it. I just stared at him, talked to him, prayed for him and cried. I didn't know what was going to happen, how long Kaleb would be on this earth or what I could do to help. I felt helpless and terrified.
I have no idea how on earth we made it past these days. They were long, sad and heart wrenching. I cried every night I left him to go to the hotel to sleep. I cried every time I saw another parent with their baby or when I would see a mom holding her baby in a wheelchair through the hospital halls, smiling because they were going home. It absolutely broke my heart into pieces.
He was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. I had no idea what this disease was and it terrified me! I burst into tears when they told us. I kissed Kaleb over and over, we left for the hotel to look it up on our laptop. It is a genetic disease that will affect his digestion and lungs. Most babies who have a perforated intestine or 'illeus' at birth usually have cystic fibrosis is what we were told. We soaked up any information on the net we could find on it, pulled ourselves together and got ready to do whatever we had to do to have Kaleb.
Dr. Falterman gave Kaleb an ostomy bag and repaired his intestines. After 65 days of exhaustion, worry, horrible days where he went back to the critical section after doing great for a little while we were able to take him home. I smiled the HUGEST smile and had tears in my eyes as I finally sat in the wheelchair and was wheeled through the halls to go home.
Recently Kaleb was back in the hospital again because he had a blockage. Dr. Falterman had us bring him to Pediatric ICU back in Lafayette and he reversed Kaleb's ostomy. He did not take the easy way out, after surgery, he had yet another blockage. So back to surgery again this lil man went. I can not even begin to explain how incredibly awesome the nursing and doctor staff at Women's and Children in Lafayette Pediatric ICU are. I tear up thinking about how much care they put into everything they did for Kaleb. There was a sweet Russian nurse who loved to rock Kaleb and she spoke Russian to him all the time. I would joke with her and say he would know Russian by the time we got home. They were always concerned about me as well as Kaleb and they just touched my heart. The second surgery worked and Kaleb healed correctly with no blockages! You have never seen a mommy so happy and excited for their baby to have a bowel movement lol
Kaleb is currently doing very well! No more signs of blockages, he is gaining lots of weight, very happy and just a wonderful joy!! I thank God every day for Dr. Falterman and all the nurses/doctors that have put a hand in Kaleb being here today. I will be forever grateful for all of their help, concern, prayers, hugs and the most excellent care they gave Kaleb. Dr. Falterman saved my sons life with his careful surgeon hands and was calm, confident and always explained everything to us. Thank God for him!
I look at Kaleb every day and my eyes fill with tears because I know how close I was to losing him. He is a miracle and I thank God every day for him....he enhances my life tremendously and I cannot imagine it without him.