It has been way too long since I last blogged here!! I'm really bad at keeping up with things like this so I must confess I figured this would happen when I first began this blog lol
I played "crack the code" for 30 minutes trying to remember my password here after reading a few blogs from CFers. They are all by adults and they always make me really sad. Its hard to hear people with CF hating their lives and all the tough things they have been through. My heart goes out to them and my eyes always fill with tears as I read their struggles.
I thought after reading these blogs that it was important for me to continue blogging. As far as I know noone really reads what I write lol But...if one mother of a child with CF reads this and feels like they aren't alone then I would be happy.
Kaleb is doing wonderful right now! He has chubby little cheeks and a chunky little buddah belly that I love! lol I am feeding him or giving him his Vital Jr. formula...switching them out every other time....every 2 hours throughout the day. I guess now that I typed that...that would seem like alot but Kaleb needs more calories than a normal little one. I never force anything on him, if I give him enzymes and he pushes the food away then that is that.....That usually isn't the case though lol He gets the Vital Jr. 3 times a day, once with a squirt of his vitamins and salt. He is on vitamin D pills right now because his vitamin D level was low. He gets that in the mornings with breakfast and takes it very well.
He is not on any breathing treatments or antibiotics right now because his chest xrays and cultures looked great! They take a culture and xray at every monthly appointment and decide where to go from there. We are now doing Vest treatments on him twice a day for 15 minutes each. For people who have no clue what that is lol its a machine that hooks up to a vest Kaleb puts on. The machine inflates the vest and vibrates/compresses against his chest. I do the treatments right before nap time and bed time because it shakes him to sleep lol He falls asleep every time and that is the easiest way I have found to do it. I put cartoons on for him to watch so he won't cry and get upset in the beginning.
He is a very sweet, happy, active boy and I am enjoying him so very much! I thank God for him being with me every night and I love every second I have with him! <3